Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Word Is Born

“But if I feel powerless in society, if I feel like I can’t get a fair shake from my government, and feel cut off from my neighbors, it affects how I live my life. Small disagreements and indignities that you may otherwise brush off as insignificant can enrage you, and can in some cases lead to violence and murder.”

Sometimes Truth just smacks you in the face.


"Wake your stupid butt up and recognize, son. This right here is Truth, and if you wanna get your mind right, it's time to recognize."

Damn, don't you knock Truth?

"Dawg, what I look like knocking? This is my house, you just a renter.

Straighten up sucker, it's about to be hectic. You think cats been dying, you ain't seen nothing yet. Obama can't save you and even Jesus might let you rot. They told you that if you the poverty and healthcare things would be cool. They claimed that if you just built more prisons and hired more cops, everything would be perfect.

Guess what? They a damn lie. And that's coming from the Truth"

I don't get it Truth, what are you talking about? You come in here slapping folks, and spouting gibberish... What's really good?

"Do I have to spell it out for you dummy? Check the hyperlink again, read the words of the egghead. All that jive lames been spitting about why cats keep killing is bogus. The conservatives are wrong, and the liberals ain't right.

According to this world class egghead from Ohio, all of y'all are missing the point and falling short. As an O.G. from Baltimore once said 'You want it to be one way, but it's the other way...' Ya'll want it to be simple and specific, but it's bigger than that. "

How big Truth?

"Bigger than you can handle Chump...

It's about belonging, it's about trust and it's about confidence. Even Ray Charles and Helen Keller's baby could see that all three of those things are in short supply these days.

Truth be told, for black folks they've been in short supply since forever, but that's another story. The point is, if folks ain't trusting and believing, they gonna be killing. Get it?"

I think so. But, why take the word of this egghead? Every egghead got a new theory, why you so sure about this one?

"Cause I got eyes. My eyes work well. Truth been feeling this way for a minute, but didn't have the words to express it. I didn't have the facts to back up my feelings.

But my guts been bubbling, and it ain't because of those collard greens my momma cooked for Thanksgiving. I could see the other explanations were too small, but I couldn't see why. Now I see it.

If folks don't buy in, they gonna start feeling like their life and the life of everybody else means nothing. Poverty can make you opt out. Drugs can make you opt out. Racism, anger and depression can make you opt out. But the real problem is opting out. Cats are opting out every day, and that's why they dying."

So, what do we do Truth? How do we create that belonging?

"Boy, my name is Truth, not The Answer. That little dude is back in Philly, and I doubt he even cares about what we talking about since it's time for him to start balling again. Cross 'em over for me Bubba Chuck!

My bad. Bottom line, I ain't got the answers, but I do recognize the truth. Once the truth is exposed, it ain't but a matter of time. I gave you the truth, now you do your job. Got it?"




T.A.N. Man said...

True, true ...

Deacon Blue said...

It makes a lot of sense. One of those "why the hell didn't I think of that?" connections.

Tit for Tat said...

It's about belonging, it's about trust and it's about confidence. Even Ray Charles and Helen Keller's baby could see that all three of those things are in short supply these days.
Truth be told, for black folks they've been in short supply since forever, but that's another story. The point is, if folks ain't trusting and believing, they gonna be killing. Get it?"(Big Man)

This one got me thinking. I can understand why blacks would not trust white's. I am curious though, why does it seem they dont trust each other? On the surface it seems most of the violence perpetrated against blacks is done by their neighbours and typically they arent white. Im wondering if thats a connection that needs to be looked at too?

Thordaddy said...

Tit for Tat,

If the trust is missing between blacks then it is a simple matter of an increasing number of blacks becoming radically autonomous. This means that the notion of "black" in an ever increasing liberal enviroment tends to become less meaningful. Likewise, while black skin color no longer binds in an extremely liberal environment, other things must take its place, perhaps an ideology or sports team. So now you see a sort of internal crisis. Liberal orthodoxy teaches blacks to live certain liberal ways and prohibits other choices. It breaks binds and replaces them with weak connections. So "blacks" in this existence of broken bonds and phony connections become radically autonomous. His need to be "black" in this instant and in that instant he must pretend that "black" means nothing is a cause for great mental turbulence. This kind of existence breeds radical autonomy. Because the world is becoming so unknowable, meaning we almost can't trust anyone or anything, then radical autonomy becomes the default position for those attempting to cope. We simply disconnect and lose all desire to pluck truth out of the morass of corrupt wills.

Deacon Blue said...

When it comes to violence (homicide, rape, etc.), by and large people attack their own racial/ethnic group, unless something has changed sociologically in that regard since I last saw research on that topic.

Raving Black Lunatic