Life is a marathon, not a sprint...
Y'all ever watch the Kenyan long distance runners do their thing?
Those suckers are amazing in motion. The relentless way they run is similar to the way wolves hunt in the wild. Wolves use a gait that never seems too fast and never seems too slow; it just eats up ground. Just when it looks like the antelope or gazelle will escape, the wolves close on them and go for the jugular.
Obama is the big, bad wolf in this campaign.
Slowly, but surely he is cutting off John McCain's wind. He doesn't rush, he doesn't falter. No matter which way McCain ducks and dodges, Obama pursues him, his mouth filled with a confident smirk. It's similar to the hungry grin wolves give their prey before they go down the gullet.
McCain is a sprinter.
Like a jackrabbit, he makes wild dashes, briefly unbalancing the wolf on his trail. He darts here and there, desperately seeking freedom, yet constrained by his inability to see a clear path. McCain cannot grasp the big picture, and therefore cannot fully press his advantages.
How often did we see McCain rush to attack Obama with a line that was clearly prepared, but stumble in his delivery? Did you notice his pained attempts at humor, attempts to connect with the audience that he didn't take the time to bring to fruition? I saw his quick bursts of anger and frustration, and they were evidence he smelled the wolf.
You know, it's been amazing too watch Obama's transformation from the hunted to the hunter over the course of the past year. He's learned from his mistakes, learned from Hillary and even from McCain. He's confident, assured and prepared. He presses his advantages, but pulls back when he senses unsure footing. My wife and I were both impressed with his progression, it's clear evidence of how he would perform in the Big Show in our minds.
The race is not to the swift...
Pay Attention

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Tuesday, October 7, 2008
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Raving Black Lunatic

Nicely put! I think your extended metaphor fits perfectly. Obama seems to think ahead, as if he's always got the present covered already.
I agree. The racing metaphor is so apt here. Even down to the fact Obama gives smooth, complete answers that actually address the questions, while McCain is spouting fragmented thoughts like he can't catch his mental breath.
Very, very, very good analogy and analysis. I can't even add anything.
The race is not to the swift...
but to those who benefit from white privilege.
It's abundantly clear to most who is the best person for the job of POTUS, but america and her history of white affirmative action has never been about the best person for the job.
Barack has done his part, and done it well. Lets see if america is ready to mend its evil ways.
If Barack is the Big Bad Wolf would that make Sarah Palin one of the three little pigs?
Sorry, I couldn't resist.
Awesome metaphor, Big Man. I enjoyed last night's debate too.
I LOVED the analogy, Big Man! Yes, Barack’s patience and ability not to let anyone throw him off his game is impressive. I think the thing is he is confident in who he is. Last night my best friends said He has the ability to not seem sleazy, but actually convey sincerity. I think it is because he does care about man (you know the collective man) sure he has personal motives and agendas in this race HELLO he’s human, but those are not the only thing.
I really chuckled at how McCaint tried to associate Obama to cronyism, I was like f’real? I do think both men improved from last debate; however to me it was CLEAR O’bama outshined McCaint in his preferred forum. He actually should THANK Big Homie for not agreeing to those five town hall meetings.
So now I’m gonna go an see what these world markets are doing and see if I can get me so blue chip stock on a discount.
Big Man, I know I'm being a little "told you so" about this (Sorry), but I'm glad to see you finally using the right analogy for Obama. Remember when you were upset he wasn't fighting back more? I told you then it was ok, and now you're seeing that.
He doesn't need to fight back--he just needs to play a cool, conservative game and let McCain mess up. Winners don't need to reach to make their points, you know? Losers (in the polls) have to take the wild chances and the wild swings. Bet McCain is wishing he had picked someone experienced as VP so he could play the inexperience card now on the economy--but he shot himself in the foot, and now it's probably over.
Confidence-- Sometimes you can't define it, but you know it when you see it. Obama's extraordinary focus is a testiment to his confidence in his own instincts. Many, many supposedly "veteran" politicians would have been sucked into McCain's (and before that, Clinton's) mire long ago, convinced that the only response to an attack is an equal (or even greater) attack. Instead, Obama has stayed the course, getting dirty just enough to let the world know that he's capable of it, but then rising up again to let them know that not only is he better than that, but that he KNOWS he's better than that. We don't know what's really going to happen next month, but the Big O is rewriting all the rules, and looks damn good doing it too.
Very well put Big Man, I enjoyed reading that piece. rmg
Good analgy man.
The Big Bad Wolf huh?
Nicely put.
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