"Chilling out maxing, relaxing all cool and all, shooting some b-ball outside of the school..."
I'm going on vacay in little while. Just me and the wife enjoying some quality time in a tropical location without our little bundle of joy. I'm hoping to relax, re-connect with my woman and just enjoy myself.
I'm looking to chill out.
Most of y'all probably aren't going on vacay any time soon, but I would suggest that those of y'all focusing on this election daily take some time to chill out. It's been a long journey, but it's almost over, and I for one plan to savor these next 30 days instead of acting like a Hicken. (That's a chicken with it's head cut off for y'all slow folks.)
Truthfully, it's been pretty hard to relax in recent weeks. The Old Man and Bimbo seemed to be gaining some momentum initially that made for some scary moments in my household. The idea of Sarah Palin having access to nuclear weapons should scare every human being on the face of this rock we call Earth. That is one unprepared woman. The possibility that she might be in charge of American politics if the Old Man kicked the bucket was so troubling to my wife that she's damn near been having panic attacks.
But, after the recent debate, I've decided it's time to let the professionals worry about politics while I concentrate on preparing myself and my family for next Great Depression.
Just the other night, my wife turned to me while we were watching cable news and say "Big Man, just how bad is it going to get?" I told her we probably weren't going to have to worry about falling prey to cannibals, but we might want to keep the baby locked indoors because he's more tender.
Seriously though, in the midst of all the drama that has become the backdrop of life in America, I've found some curious calm. I've concentrated on praying, and looking at the direction of my life. In addition, I've taken my brother's advice and started using the Serenity Prayer as more of a guide. Y'all know that prayer, right?
Lord, grant the courage to change the things I can change, the serenity to accept the things I cannot change and the wisdom to know the difference.
I must admit that watching Barack Obama deal with this election has really increased my appreciation for a calm demeanor and the ability to prioritize. Whenever I watch Big Homie handle himself I'm impressed with his apparent inner calm and ability to let things roll off his back. It's not that he's disengaged from the world, it's more like he has an inner purpose that allows him to ignore most distractions as he inexorably moves toward his goal.
I really like that.
In the past, I thought that I was a pretty calm cat, but as I've taken on more responsibilities in life I've learned that it's easy to be calm when you don't have any problems. Now, I'm learning that real peace, the kind that God provides for me, can only be gained through struggle. You have to have pain to truly feel joy. I'm working on my ability to narrow my focus, and also completely apply myself to tasks.
Anyway, there isn't much more to this post, I just wanted to share with y'all where my head was at after watching the debate and thinking about my life.
Everybody needs to get them some calm too.