The license plate read “Heritage Not Hate."
Right on the front of the pick-up truck it made me think.
With a Confederate flag as its background it made me wonder: Does that
heritage come without hate?
Who celebrates the antebellum South?
It turns out lots of
people do. They celebrate it with Confederate flags and Civil War
re-enactments. They celebrate it by whistling Dixie
and loving “Gone with the Wind.” They mourn it's passing by renovating elaborate monuments to human misery that once dotted the southern landscape. They call these monuments plantations and pledge their undying love for each other on the buildings' steps. That time is a time steeped in nostalgia, and
if there is one thing people love, it is nostalgia.
But how do you divorce the heritage from the hatred? Do you
ignore the backbone of the South, the soul-destroying practice of enslaving
humans that made the entire shebang function so smoothly? Do you ignore the
birth of the Klan, the rise of Jim Crow and the systematic attempts to recreate
slavery without violating the Constitution? How many mint juleps must you
consume to perform that level of mental gymnastics?
It is hard to respect someone who won’t acknowledge the
obvious. It’s almost impossible to accept people who never want to pay the cost
of the beliefs they espouse.
If you love that South, don’t try to pretend that it was
something it wasn’t. Don’t try to sell us this dream that it was just good ol’
boys working hard and playing harder.
Own up to what that time really was about for your ancestors
and mine. Admit what they tried to accomplish, and what you still resent that
they failed to do. Otherwise, I refuse to take you seriously.
It is a heritage steeped in hatred. There is no separating
the two, and it doesn’t matter how many bumper stickers and license plates say
Have enough self-respect to refuse to accept the easy lie.
Same old same old of looking at the past with rose colored glasses.
anyone flying the stars and bars under the weak ass excuse of heritage is either bullshitting them selves or you or both.
there are many good thinds that came from the old south.
to frame slavery as one of those things is just bat shit crazy.
anyone flying the stars and bars under the weak ass excuse of heritage is either bullshitting them selves or you or both.
there are many good thinds that came from the old south.
to frame slavery as one of those things is just bat shit crazy.
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