Sandra Bullock is on Team Brown Baby.
It's quite the popular team in Hollywood, as brown babies have been all the rage for the past five years, and were popular among some folks even before the recent craze. White Hollywood stars love adopting brown babies, particularly brown babies from other countries, although Sandra decided to stay stateside with her choice.
Now she's parading the infant around on celebrity magazines, and talking about her plans to be a single mom. I've written about the voluntary parenting sans daddies phenomenon so I won't even go there again. And while I know that Bullock has filed for divorce from Jesse James, I still have to wonder.
So, she was planning on adopting a black baby with a husband who goes hard for White Power, and likes to dress up like Hitler?
Maybe this gives credence to Bullocks assertions that she had no idea that James was a racist. Some folks will surely argue that nobody would adopt a black baby with a racist, it just wouldn't work. I can see that argument.
Then again, I find it terribly hard to believe you don't know your husband is a racist after living and loving him for five years. Racism and prejudice isn't something people typically hide from the ones they love. They usually let that all hang out. I just can't fathom that Bullock had NO IDEA about James' beliefs and predilections.
Which leads me to wonder if she planned to use a black baby to change her husband's mind. Was this baby supposed to "cure" Jesse James of his bigotry. Was this a new variation of the Magical Negro theory, basically the Magical Negro Infant theory?
I must admit, it seems like Hollywood types believe that adopting brown babies from war torn countries and impoverished areas can save the world. With that belief, it doesn't seem like much of a leap to think that brown babies with white parents can cure racism.
Does it?
But, I really don't know. A friend of mine posited that if you combine Bullock's do-gooder past with the possibility that she might have actually believed the hype about her role in The Blind Side, then you get a woman who sees adopting a poor black baby as the next logical step. I mean, it's like a real life Blind Side without the extra hassle of a dealing with an older child. My friend said that she also thinks that James could have been great at living a double life, a possiblity that I consider remote, and really just chalk up to my friend's man-hating ways.
But, what do y'all think?
I think it's the well-meaning but overly expressed (and often nearly meaningless) liberal reaction, in many of these cases.
Kind of like spending money on an expensive no-emissions or low-emissions vehicle but still having a big-ass mansion that eats up tons of electricity and has a massive carbon footprint itself.
Or doing some gardening or composting stuff because it feels good, yet having walk-in closets full of clothes and shoes sometimes made by sweatshop workers.
I think its entirely possible she had no idea that her man had racist leanings. I'm not an undercover sista since I am pretty brown but living in a white state and having been the only fly in the buttermilk so to speak for a number of years. I have gotten to know white folks and I am talking the educated liberal types who have told me they don't discuss race amongst each other. Guess you don't need to when you are in the majority. So its entirely possible that she had no idea what dude's true thoughts were on race.
I agree with your friend.
The don't discuss race amongst their friends, but amongst their lovers?
No throwaway comments about "those people?"
No lamenting how "those people" get extra breaks but still keep complaining?
Nah, I don't buy it, I just can't accept that narrative. This wasn't some liberal dude we're talking about, this was motorcycle riding, tattoo having, anti-sophistication Jesse James.
I watched the dude's tv show and had questions about him and his family, and you're telling me she had NO idea?
Can't buy it.
Wont buy it! She's a daggone fool, because she thought she could handle that bad boy! That wild stallion knocked her on her butt! Now onto an easier conquest--a dark-skinned beautiful black baby! She probably can handle that!!
If we dig into her background we'll probably find some deep seated rebellion against her father.
What do you think extreme liberals must do to stay "fulfilled" other than do extremely liberal things like date "bad boys" and adopt black boys? These chicks are carrying out the dyke rebellion against man and God's order that he alone is responsible for enforcing.
This dyke rebellion is fixing to emasculate Jesse and the lil black boy. Jesse threw that back in dyke's face, but lil boy is in for a dissolution, detachment and disconnect from his roots.
A third alternative is that she fell in love early, and then some of his racist ways (not necessarily nazi poses!) started to seep out and she stayed around to see if she could change him and get him right. Love has done crazier things.
A fourth alternative is that she had racist strands herself and continued to evolve as an adult (with help of her movie roles) to reject the racism she previously espoused
No idea, but hell, I have no trouble believing she didn't know in light of THIS bizarre affair.
I still can't fathom how she could be married to this guy for ELEVEN YEARS before she began to suspect he wasn't who he claimed to be. You're telling me that in all that time, they never talked about childhood memories, family issues, and friends from each others' lives? You're telling me she never once wondered why she'd never met any other members of his famous family? It boggles the mind.
So if something like THAT is possible, something as relatively piecemeal as not knowing her husband is a racist isn't a stretch. It's not like his real name turned out to be Aloicius Fievelsdal III and he comes from a family of sheep herders on the Norweigian coastline.
I was under the impression that she had been in the processes of adopting a child for the past four years and the child she ended up getting just happened to be black (I'm assuming because she made no distinctions as to what the race of the child should be).
I've never really supported the argument that most of these Hollywood Starlets are using brown babies as accessory pieces (well, maybe I did a little in Madonna's case).
I don't like the idea of adopting brown babies by white celebrities because I'm weary of it really effing up their sense of ethnic identity in hollywhite. Who will they identify with when they get older, how will the bolster their self confidence and more importantly how will they embrace the issue deemed "political" such as their natural black hair? That is a major part of the African American female identiy ---the same issue goes with Jolie and her baby girl and people criticizing the "unruly" state of her hair. So I don't like this at all because If these white celebs can't take care of their adopted black child's hair, how can they nurture their spirit?
I don't like the idea of adopting brown babies by white celebrities because I'm weary of it really effing up their sense of ethnic identity in hollywhite. Who will they identify with when they get older, how will the bolster their self confidence and more importantly how will they embrace the issue deemed "political" such as their natural black hair? That is a major part of the African American female identiy ---the same issue goes with Jolie and her baby girl and people criticizing the "unruly" state of her hair. So I don't like this at all because If these white celebs can't take care of their adopted black child's hair, how can they nurture their spirit?
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