Friday, May 21, 2010

Pay No Attention To The Man Behind the Curtain

Anti-immigration folks would have you believe that illegal immigrants are just an enormous drain on our resources and a source of violent crime.

Strangely, statistics show that it's pretty much a wash financially for communities with large illegal immigrant populations because of the economies these immigrants drive. And, a new study says that the old trope about immigrants and crime may be off-base as well.

I know what Mark Twain said about statistics, but this study is important nonetheless. It shows that not only did robberies and murders NOT increase in areas with an influx of immigrants, but they actually DECREASED. Now that is a surprise, right?

After all, isn't the standard complaint about illegal immigrants that they are a drain on communities and cause crime to skyrocket? Isn't that why folks believe they need armed militias and laws encouraging racial profiling? Haven't Americans been told it's all about their safety and well-being?

Lies, lies and damn lies.

It's funny how much of our worldviews are based on easily identifiable lies. We've been trained to ignore the truth hiding behind the curtain particularly if that truth would make our lives less enjoyable. Some of us don't even see the truth anymore because we've been trained so well.

It's like Republican Senate candidate Rand Paul refusing to see how private businesses refusing service based on the color of someone's skin was something that needs to be illegal. Or, how Mr. Paul can deem the BP oil spill an accident when all of the news coming out shows it was pretty much the result of gross negligence. It doesn't matter what's actually happening, it matters what the right people TELL you is happening.

Some folks have accused me of practicing that particular brand of self-delusion, particularly as it relates to my faith. That's fine, I can accept that criticism, and I can't deny that my belief system is based on faith. I don't ignore the issues folks have with Christianity, but I'm unapologetic about the choice I've made to believe. It works for me.

The thing is, I'm self-aware enough to recognize that fact while most folks don't see all the faith-based decisions in their own lives. Even more troubling, these people can't see how they allow their own faith to back them into irrational and dangerous positions all because they want to be believe that the Wizard of Oz is all-powerful, and not a stooped-back, white-haired, old man. They want to believe that the police are mainly a benevolent peace-keeping force and not a large gang running a complex protection scheme. They want to believe the folks being kept in prison truly belong there and aren't the victims of a massive scam to revitalize rural communities and provide contractors with cheap labor.

I guess it's comforting to be fed information that backs up the worldview you've chosen to embrace. It's like some people say they'd rather not know if their spouse is cheating on them because they prefer the comfortable illusion to the ugly reality. I'm not one of those people. I like to have all the information so I can make choices. That doesn't mean I treat all information equally, but I don't like it when folks withhold stuff from me because they think it's in my best interest.

I want a peek behind the curtain. Pull that sucker back.



  1. "
    The thing is, I'm self-aware enough to recognize that fact while most folks don't see all the faith-based decisions in their own lives. Even more troubling, these people can't see how they allow their own faith to back them into irrational and dangerous positions all because they want to be believe that the Wizard of Oz is all-powerful, and not a stooped-back, white-haired, old man. They want to believe that the police are mainly a benevolent peace-keeping force and not a large gang running a complex protection scheme. They want to believe the folks being kept in prison truly belong to be there and aren't the victims of a massive scam to revitalize rural communities and provide contractors with cheap labor."

    well said, mate.

  2. Lil man,

    The perverse thing is, is that you couldn't even conceive of a single reason why a White Man would either (a) seek total seperation from you, or, not seeing (a) as feasible BECAUSE YOU DON'T WANT seperation (b) seriously seek to restrict your autonomy.

  3. Thor

    I can think of a lot of reasons why white people wouldn't want to be around me. Hell, how could I grow up black in America and not be aware of them?

    My problem is with punks.

    You know, cats who talk loud but when stuff jumps off hey wanna backtrack and pretend they don't know what's up?

    Or, who cry about people being mean to them.

    See, I figure if you gonna sell wolf tickets, you better be a wolf. If you're lamb, stay in a lamb's lane.

    If you don't want to be deal with the fall out of being a racist, stay in your lane. If you're ready to handle the fallout, then be big and bold.

    Got it?

  4. Lol...

    Lil man, there ain't a single dude in this world ever been persuaded to
    see me as a lamb.

    Thing is, I don't really care about being "racist" because it doesn't mean anything other than your feelings got hurt.

    "Racism" is your crunch lil man and your beliefs on illegal immigrants speaks for itself.

    It's as though you didn't know I live 20 miles north of Mexican border.

    Boy, this post sounds like some child regurgitating exactly what his liberal shepards have fed him.

  5. Big Man,

    You hear about the latest trick being pulled by the old Wizard of Oz (which my wife found online today)...Texas apparently decided to call the slave trade the "Atlantic triangular trade" instead.

    How peachy...political correctness was bad enough as practiced by the more clueless the conservatives are co-opting it for their own ends...

    - Deacon Blue

  6. The perverse thing is, is that you couldn't even conceive of a single reason why a White Man would either (a) seek total seperation from you, or, not seeing (a) as feasible BECAUSE YOU DON'T WANT seperation (b) seriously seek to restrict your autonomy.

    sheer, mindless, gutless, punk-assed terror.

    smell the fear Big Man?

    that's the smell of victory...,

    accept no substitutes.

  7. Hey Craig... It's all just endosymbiosis... Why trip?

  8. You would think that when you confront someone with concrete statistics or direct quotations that refute their point, they would understand. But instead, they choose to interpret it to conform to their own beliefs. A perfect example is the way racist apologists interpreted the video of Rodney King being brutally beaten by police to make it seem as if every move he made to PROTECT himself was actually made to THREATEN the police, thus justifying their brutality. I could show someone who is anti immigrations a million and one studies PROVING that crime DECREASES in cities with a higher number of immigrants, and they will pull ONE OR TWO cases of crimes committed by illegal immigrants to PROVE that I am wrong. Ignorant people want to remain ignorant, because as they say, "ignorance is bliss"

  9. ^^^Clown... Live 20 miles from the Mexican border and check the political leanings of those who's statistics you prefer.

    And Rodney King... Come on... No one is defending that degenerate anymore.

  10. Heck, just go to Mexico... You clearly have no idea what you are talking about.

  11. Thor

    I see.

    You are an "expert" on immigration because you live near the border. Your proximity, and personal experience give an expertise that others should bow down to.

    But, I'm a black man, growing up in the South and you still want acknowledge my superiority to you on matters of race.

    See how easy it is for me to point out your hypocrisy? It's like I don't even have to try because every time you type words, you expose yourself a little more.

    Talking "Try living near the border...'

    Try being a black man in America.

    Now stop puffing your chest out before CNu slaps you again and makes you ask for a timeout cause cats are "siding" with your enemy. Complaining that nobody wants to "play fair."

    "Cnu so mean. He calls me peasant and won't respect my asinine theories at all. And he uses my real name!"

    Straight punk stuff. You've been exposed, now stay in your lane.

  12. Lil man,

    Only you look to "experts" on what to believe. Me, I just observe reality.

    The fact that you have an inexplicable regard for Mexicans who have no regard for you either as a black man or a so-called American IN NO WAY REQUIRES ME to share YOURS OR JOANNA'S irrational regard for those that thinking nothing of you. You can't find that experience in the statistics.

    Clearly, YOU FEEL SAFER with an increasingly nonwhite population. How your "blackness" then explains this line of thought in regards to the increase in the Hispanic population is utterly inexplicable.

  13. Only you look to "experts" on what to believe. Me, I just observe reality.

    And the extent of your ridiculousness, and the smallness of your world are fully and totally exposed.


  14. LOL. Nice post Big Man. Apparently the BS law has backfired.
