Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Now That's Gangsta

I hope y'all enjoyed yesterday's brevity because I'm thinking about making it a habit.

Anyway, did y'all see how Roland Burris got gangsta with the United States Senate on Tuesday? Even though he wasn't formally "invited" to the Senate's "party" for incoming members, Burris reminded everybody that he had purchased a ticket and just showed up anyway.

Like, "Where the food at?"

Now that takes a set of brass ones. How you gonna just crash a government party? This wasn't some random house party at your second cousin's roommate's apartment. This was a party being thrown by political bigwigs and Burris basically dared them to throw his black ass out. Then he had a press conference about how they threw him out!

I said when this Burris appointment first broke that Blago was a sharp cookie for playing this game of racial chicken, but now I have to admit that he probably didn't think of this all by himself. Considering the way Burris has handled this whole fiasco and his longtime connections to Governor Felon, I'm beginning to wonder if maybe this brother isn't the real mastermind.

After all, old black people understand better than anybody how the game of racial politics and quid pro quo works. Maybe Burris realized a long time ago that black people might be pissed if Obama's elevation to the presidency meant that no black people were going to be left in the Senate. I wouldn't be surprised if he lay back in the cut, waited for that crooked sucker Blago to get popped, and then whispered in his ear about a great way Blago could stick it to that Uppity Negro Obama and all his fawning white friends.

Seriously, if this brother could get elected to statewide office, I'm guessing he understands the way white folks' minds work. Maybe he's been playing Blago like a fiddle from jump street.

That would be foul, but it would also be quite gangsta.



  1. I think you may be on to something and I agree it is rather gangsta.

  2. Why thank you.

    I don't know if I'm right, but I got tired of everybody pretending like this old black man was just a political leech who attached himself to an intelligent white dude on the move.

    Given what we know about both men and their political pasts, it would seem that Burris has always been somebody who understands the game and how to play it. So, after a while, I begin to wonder why I assumed that this crafty black man couldn't have been behind this whole thing.

    Why did I assume he wasn't smart enough?

  3. Why thank you.

    I don't know if I'm right, but I got tired of everybody pretending like this old black man was just a political leech who attached himself to an intelligent white dude on the move.

    Given what we know about both men and their political pasts, it would seem that Burris has always been somebody who understands the game and how to play it. So, after a while, I begin to wonder why I assumed that this crafty black man couldn't have been behind this whole thing.

    Why did I assume he wasn't smart enough?

  4. Hey there Big Man!

    It is surely an insult for anyone to suggest that Burris is using the race card with Blago to get into the Senate... is Caroline using the Kennedy card to get in? The entire political process is ALL about leveraging your advantage...whatever that advantage may be.

    Harold Ford, Jr. leveraged the advantage of class and connections to enter the political game...just like plenty of whites have done.

    Burris is 71 years old and has been in politics for a LOOOONG time... he is not a newcomer to the political scene like Obama was. He is not a "trainee" when it comes to Illinois politics either...

    People need to stand back and take notes...

    While I don't think his refusal by the Senate was racism...every OTHER person in the Senate had to abide by the documentation rules...he definitely brought the media corps with him in order to have plenty of publicity on his side...

    I will be following this story closely.

    Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!

    P.S. Stop by my place and hollar at your girls every now and then!!

  5. Mr Burris "w i l l" be SEATED.

  6. heh, amusing post. "Where the food at?" heh. That reminded me of Blazing Saddles : "Where the white women at?"

  7. "This was a party being thrown by political bigwigs and Burris basically dared them to throw his black ass out. Then he had a press conference about how they threw him out!"

    That was hilarious!

  8. Big Man, Blago is the gangsta! Burris just happen to be in the right place at the right time, in other words a pawn.

    I love Burris and I'm glad they seated him, but in his 20 years of Illinois politics, he has never displayed gangstaish behavior. And if he was gangsta he would have shown up on the wire tap, perhaps as candidate # 6, or even higher.

    Now, lets talk about the real gangsta, Blago! He knew he was under investigation going back 3 years, and he was still pulling some strong armed tactics. Only days before he was charged, he publicly stated that he did not care who was listening in on his conversation. He is so Gangsta, he'll walk free!

    Along those lines, stop labeling Blago a felon, or disgraced, or crooked sucker. Let the accused have his day in court!

  9. Imhotep

    You're right about the presumption of innocence with Blago. He deserves that right. Thanks for chastising me.

    But, Governor Felon sounds so funny.

  10. Big Man...I start writing shorter posts at the same time you are...I post about the "poor in spirit" beatitude around the same time you were wondering about the same topic...

    I could probably go back to my comments sections and find at least a dozen similar situations of us being in mind-meld if I had the time.

    I swear, people are going to start thinking we're the same person...and then start wondering whether the white guy or the black guy is the real one.

  11. The black guy is definitely the real one.

    Everybody knows that it only takes one drop. You're just trying to pass.

  12. Damn, I always suspected I was just a figment of someone's imagination...
