Thursday, October 16, 2008

Can Hope Go Sour?

Big Homie appears to be opening up the full can of whoop ass on the old man right about now.

So why don't I feel better about this race?

With a double digit lead in the national polls, historic turnout projected among black people and leads in key battleground states, Barack Obama appears to be in great position to become this country's first black president. He has more money than his opponent, has more fervent volunteers and has every key issue on his side right now.

Yet, like many of my dark brethren, I can't shake this weird feeling in my tummy.

Are black people naturally pessimistic? Has our shared history conditioned us to constantly expect the worse, even when every indication says that things will be great? I don't think so. Sure, black people have problems with cynicism, but we also tend to forgive easily.

No, I guess I can't really fully embrace the idea that Obama is going to win because there are still 20 days until the election and Obama's election would easily be one of the top five most improbable political events in this country's history. When you're hoping for something as unlikely as a black president, it's hard to feel safe no matter what kind of lead your candidate has. It's kind of like cheering for the Saints with Mike McKenzie and Fred Thomas as your cornerbacks.


My hope hasn't gone sour, but neither have I felt comfortable beginning my buck-naked victory dance just yet. Although, I have let it be known that the Wednesday after the election is an unofficial black holiday no matter what happens. In the back of my mind I keep waiting for McCain to unveil one more dirty trick, or even for there to be some sort of convenient terrorist attack. I just cannot believe that a black dude could not only win a presidential election, but could do it in a laugher.

Oh well, let me just keep hoping.



  1. I guess I don't wanna say "it's not just a black thing," but anyway, this white guy has similar reservations. I too find it hard to believe somehow that Obama could really win. That whatever powers lurk behind the curtain would really turn the whole thing over to him, and in a way, to the new, very different version of America that he and his supporters represent. But then, another part of me, maybe a more cynical part, thinks that those lurking powers will let it happen because America is sinking fast into a major, major mess, and because Obama will end up getting the brunt of the blame for it, as well as the job of trying to clean the mess up. If Obama wins, I think he'll still have his hardest work ahead of him.

  2. Well you are not alone in your thoughts, I fear that even though all signs bode well for Obama winning. Its not over until its over. I also am not sure I trust the polls.

    Though like Macon D, I can see Obama winning just because our country is in such a funk that if it turns out we are royally screwed it will be easy for folks to later plan Obama if he does become president.

    However like you I do feel like the day after the election regardless of the outcome is a day for Black folks to sit and just cogitate on this year. At 35, I never thought I would see a Black man this close to the White House.

  3. Big Man, the answer is easy. Counting any un hatched eggs could be ireparably devastating.

    In very trivial terms, it took me yoears to get over the Knicks loss of that playoff game where Reggie Miller had 8 points in the last 18 seconds, and the Knicks subsequently lost the series. It only hurt more than others terrible losses cuz the bank deposit was mentally made.

    I imagine if you multiply that feeling by infinity, then that is the damage an Obama loss would do.

    Not to mention I'm still scared as hell about election theft, that might be rationalized by Republicans as "the Bradley Effect" in a way to get away with the fraud.

    I'm all the way Yogi Berra on this one

  4. "Keep hope alive! Keep hope alive! Keep hope alive!"

    Actually, at first I was chalking up your pessimism to probably being a Cubs fan. But seeing that you're a Saints fan works as well.

    Seriously, though, there's no way you're not going to feel apprehensive. History says this late in the game with this big a lead, Obama has to win. But History has never said anything about having a black president. So, I guess we're going to have to live with this queasy feeling for the next 20 days. At least it will force us all to get out there and vote.

  5. I, too, sense a strange disturbance in the Force.

