Monday, August 25, 2008

Interruption in Service

Bad news y'all.

I had to do my duty to the judicial system for the next two weeks, so posting could be intemittent during that time period. I'm going to try to continue my tradition of getting a new post up most weekdays, but with jury duty I don't have the same ability to surf the web and find topics. I may try to repost some old blogs from the early days of the site, or just links to good stuff, but I haven't decided yet.

Anyway, I just wanted to let y'all know what was up so y'all wouldn't be surprised when things started getting funky around here. It's only a temporary blip and I should be back to normal in early September.

Appreciate y'all's patience.


  1. Cool. I was wondering where you were today when I made my morning rounds.

  2. thats what one gets for voting hope its a white colar criminal folk handle yours

  3. You need to get word to the party with the deepest pockets that you can be bribed.

    Justice claim to be blind, but that bitch can see, and she don't care for the poor, the uneducated or the dark skin.

  4. I check the site nearly everyday anyway. But the notice is much appreciated.

    Gawd speed Big Man!
