Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My Memory is Like an Elephant's Nose

I see you Miss Ann.

Pandering and insinuating, using innuendo to make your wounds so nobody can find the blood from a direct cut. Your platitudes and smiles are the wool used to hide sharpened canines; you are the wolf and you are hunting.

I smell you.

Oh, you long ago realized that this hunt has been squandered, all that is left for you now is the carrion forgotten by the victor and the hope that the next hunt will be time for you to make your kill. I see the calculations in your every gesture, the forced smile that stretches your skin into a ghoulish mask.

Your focus is surely on the next hunt. It's why your every every thank you is followed by a plea for sustenance. You claim it is for this fight, and that may be true. But, it is not to continue the battle, but so you can erase the debt you have gathered.

You claim to be the choice of "hard-working people," yet, you cannot convince those folks to support you with what they've earned through their "hard-working" ways.

I see you.

You await the young lion's failure; you are confident that the wounds you have inflicted on him will render him unable to take over the pride. When he fails, you plan to supplant him; your goals are so obvious they are almost childish.

Your plan hinges on the short memories of the pride, particularly it's darker-hued members. Ahh, but that is where you err because we, the darker brothers, do not forget even when we forgive. Our memories stretch back for generations, and once we have marked you it is forever.

And you most definitely have been marked for what you truly are.

No longer can you or your underlings beguile us with soft words and trinkets. We have seen your true face, viewed your true soul and the putrid stench overwhelms us.

We shall not forget.

We still recall the Middle Passage; we still feel the sting of whips, the ripping apart of the wombs and the destruction of families. We still bear rope burns around our necks and wipe spittle from our faces because of our encounters with a bird named James. Our memories stretch back for generations, their roots are deep.

Oh we do not forget.

So, move forward with your machinations, proceed swiftly with your plans. Keep your eyes trained four years hence, foolishly believe that time holds your triumph. We watch with silent mirth for we know the truth.

Our memories are long.


  1. WNG

    Thanks G, I really appreciate that, although there is no reason to be jealous because when you decide to show your writing chops, you are great too. I think I left a comment on one of your posts to that effect.

  2. The entire piece is Outstanding!!!

    But I was especially moved by the following passages:

    "Your plan hinges on the short memories of the pride, particularly it's darker-hued members. Ahh, but that is where you err because we, the darker brothers, do not forget even when we forgive. Our memories stretch back for generations, and once we have marked you it is forever.

    And you most definitely have been marked for what you truly are.

    No longer can you or your underlings beguile us with soft words and trinkets. We have seen your true face, viewed your true soul and the putrid stench overwhelms us.

    We shall not forget."

    The phrase "And the TRUTH shall set US free" comes to mind.

    Again, an Outstanding piece Big Man!!!

  3. Big Man, I stand and applaude!

  4. WoW! Keep doing your thing.

  5. I stumbled upon your blog and love the writing (and the opinions). I'll continue to stop by.

  6. Thanks for all the love everybody.

    And welcome Kevin.

  7. Outstanding post. You've said it all and beautifully.

  8. Wonderful piece. I admit that I was confused briefly at first by the "Miss Ann" reference. I thought maybe you were dishing on Ann Coulter at first. But then I got wise as it rolled along.

  9. rikyrah over at JJP likes to refer to Hillary as Miss Ann if I'm not mistaken, and i kind of like that reference to Roots.

  10. Guess that's my cue that it's time to re-watch Roots. ;-)

  11. i will think of this post everytime HRC speaks in the future.

    well done.

  12. You gave me the shivers with this, for the power of the language and the knowledge of her wickedness.

    That she chose not to endorse our next president is not the last dirty she has pulled but with our help and hard work, she will be nothing more than an ugly footnote in our history.

    "This is our time."

  13. Damn!

    What? That's all I can say. You already know I "stan" (stalker/fan) for your writing! Lol. Btw, thanks for the Miss Ann explanation. *whispers* I know it'll get my "black card" revoked, but I've never seen all of Roots.

  14. Indeed.

    And let us hope that some insidious brokerage effort does not afford the offender the opportunity to usurp the power and the moment by pinning Miss Ann's name to the ticket.

    Such a turn would be a clear sign to all Original people that the Democratic party has no intention of having a Negro president.

    A candidate of her sort has no intention of being a 'vice' president...regardless of billing on the ticket.

  15. Thanks for the post, Big Man!! Excellent!

    I've been outraged (yet again) by Clinton's appalling effort to threaten herself into a vice presidency.

  16. Excellent piece!! I will definitely pass this along, sums up my thoughts perfectly!

  17. We have seen your true face, viewed your true soul and the putrid stench overwhelms us.

    Word. And while many of us were never, ever "beguiled", it was a shock to see just how low you were willing to sink in your quest for power.

    It's 3:00am. The phone is ringing, Miss Ann. "Game Over" would like to speak with you.

  18. Lovingly done is well-advised b wealthier than well said.

  19. Well done is well-advised b wealthier than extravagantly said.

  20. Artistically done is better than spectacularly said.

  21. Well done is better than well said.

  22. Lovingly done is better than well said.

  23. Well done is richer reconsider than comfortably said.

  24. A humankind who dares to waste anyone hour of one of these days has not discovered the value of life.


