Monday, April 28, 2008

No Gutter Balls Here

A few observations.

1. Barack is actually pretty good at basketball. For a 46-year old man he's really good.

2. Barack is a left-handed bandit. That means he does not show a real ability to go right except for one move when he "hooks" his opponent. Is this a sign of a larger weakness? lol.

3. This will not earn Obama any points because everybody knows black people can play basketball.


  1. Big Man, Barack is the Domique /Toni Kucou of the senate, he can only go left. From a political stand point, that's not bad, but on the court, he is easily defended.

    For a 46 year old guy and an ex-smoker, he did pretty well.

    He can score 20 points and get 10 assist.. but how do you bowl a 37 in 7 frames? considering you can get 30 in the first frame.

    Let's hope he improves him bowling for when he swings through pennsylvania for the general.

  2. Clearly, the defense was taking it easy on him. Why haven't we fully vetted Obama's basketball skills? This only proves to the superdelegates that he's not at all electable.

    /Clinton campaign

  3. you can tell that Obama has enough smoothness to his game at 46 that he used to be able to ball at 26. His instincts were good...
