Friday, April 4, 2008

Moving Up In the World

Apparently folks actually read this blog and find it of some use.

I recently got an opportunity to share my thoughts on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., with Al Jeezera for a special section they did on their website.

Check out the link below and let a brother know what y'all think.

Al Jazeera


  1. Dear RBL,

    I just got done reading your commentary about Dr. King's legacy on Al Jazeera. I agree 100% with you when you state:

    "He has become a crutch for those who would promote a false vision of a colourblind society where we ignore the disadvantages heaped upon all minorities and the poor and instead proudly proclaim that because blacks and whites can drink at the same water fountains the country is cured of its race problem.

    This only serves to make it more difficult to fully address the injustice that is at the core of American life, the injustice that King opposed so vehemently."

    Well said!!! I feel like Martin Luther King would be spinning in his grave if he knew how low we have sunk and how entrenched poverty and institutional racism have become. We have a very long road ahead of us. And that is where I think that Dr. King can still give us strength and least those of us interested in partaking.

    But now I am just babbling. I try to do my part. I work here: Please feel free to check it out.

    Justice, love and peace,

  2. "He has become a crutch for those would promote a false vision of a colourblind society where we ignore the disadvantages heaped upon all minorities and the poor and instead proudly proclaim that because blacks and whites can drink at the same water fountains the country is cured of its race problem."

    Telling it straight in Al Jazeera! Yes, indeed. This is awesome, Big Man! :)

  3. Well said Big Man!_Very well said indeed!!!

    Enjoyed your entire piece and Agree with you on all points made!
