Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Canadiens Are The New Niggers

It's true.

Apparently, people here in the South (and possibly across America) have been using the word "Canadian" as an ass-whipping free substitute for nigger. The Canadian tag apparently grew out of the restaurant business, and once again seems to prove that black folks have not been off target when we've complained that white people treat us like shit when we go out to eat.

I shit you not

This would have been totally mind blowing to if I hadn't watched this comedian on Def Comedy Jam hip me to it last week.

This cat was talking about how sneaky white folks can be, and why it's ridiculous that they fixate on not being able to use the word nigger when they could just make up some other shit that means the same thing and black people would never know.

As an example, the comedian mentioned that in Boston he met a man who always called black people Mondays. Why? Because nobody likes Mondays. Get it.

He went on to noted that this dude could be in the office talking to a black colleague saying "I just hate Mondays. Nobody in the their right mind likes a Monday." The black person is oblivious, the white person has his belief in superior white intelligence confirmed.

That's some sneaky shit.

This whole story has provoked some surprise in the blogosphere cause there were a lot of black folks and white folks who were not hip to the game. In the case of the white folks they could be pretending. Jokes.

But, for me, this is just another example of how black folks are at a disadvantage in this society. A disadvantage that too many white folks like to pretend doesn't exist.

I mean seriously, how are we supposed to combat racists if the punk cowards won't even announce themselves as racists and instead hide behind code works and double speak? How can we ever truly judge white folks on an individual basis if they have these collective insults they are hiding in plain sight?

It boggles the mind. Really.

So as black folks, what recourse do we have? Do we take the high road and try to stay above race-based assumptions? Do we adopt the mindset that all tallow-faces cannot be trusted and behave accordingly?

What the eff do we do?


  1. I hate that I'm playing catch-up on this. Sneaky bastards are always a step ahead. lol. Seeing no other alternative, I propose "smack a hick" Mondays. I mean if you're gonna hate Mondays might as well have a reason.

  2. I think we just know that these things are out there. Give every person a chance, but at the same time understand that not all of them have your best interest at heart.

    As a person, you have to understand that sometimes you can do everything right, and still be wrong or, in this case, wronged. You have to keep stepping.

    Racism is going nowhere in this country. It's systemic. It's institutional. It's here to stay. And these simple "new" names are proof of it.

  3. We could all say that we hate Sundays. Same thing. Folk make up sh*t all the time. No biggie.

  4. I live in the north, and work for a non-profit that is bi-national (we have a Canadian office--and by "Canadian", I mean "IN THE COUNTRY OF CANADA", and nothing to do with being black.)

    I just found out about this other use of the word "Canadian" a couple of days ago, and now I'm thinking that I can't mock ACTUAL canadians anymore . . . because I would never want a black person to overhear and think that I'm talking about them . . .

    I guess what I'm saying is . . . some of us really ARE making fun of ACTUAL Canadians . . .

    the people using it this other way just suck.

  5. RBL,

    Term seems to come from the Canadian-Jamaicans who are stereotyped as dirty, uncouth, rude, loud, obnoxious, and felons. The US retail grapevine has had "news" of these folks for years and much of it is pure racism and class snobbery. However, I have viewed the behaviours of these "Canadians" and not been entirely thrilled.

  6. Canadian is what traders on Wall Street call Joos, not Blacks. NEVER heard anyone call a Black a Canadian, damn THAT would be a cut.

  7. "tallow-faces" oh my god,that's some funny shit!! my new word for whitey, thanks

  8. I watched that same episode of Def Comedy Jam! I'm sure there are a bunch of other terms white people have to reference black people, a white guy used the old 'you people' with me the other week, I actually felt a hint of nostalgia...but then he also felt the sting of my slap afterwards.

  9. They've been using this expression for five years, even in written correspondence, and we're only finding out about it now?! Let's vote for Barack Obama as a way of telling America that we're ready to get over this sort of crap!

    Billary & Co's Color-Aroused Stereotyping Angers and Alienates Democrats

  10. They've been doing this since they could actually say n*gger with impunity. It makes them feel good about themselves. Because one thing they have never been is clever. If this surprises you, then you're not spending enough time talking with your elders about matters of consequence.

    In my youth, my parents drummed into me that is that there is a burning white light behind every smiling Euro face. Now matter how much work they've done on themselves; no matter how cool they are; no matter how much they give to the cause - whiteness and the resultant perception of innate superiority is part of their spiritual construction and intellectual education since birth.

    I used to reject this notion. Now, I'm starting to sound like my Daddy. It doesn't mean you can't love them; hang with them or be close friends with them. It just means you must always be aware.

  11. I realize that these comments are supposed to be about the topic at hand, but I can't help asking, "What the hell is a Black?" One of the anonymous commentors used the term, and it is really erking me. Is that a noun or an adjective? A "black person" is arguably a valid racial description, but "a black," seems to be steeped in the kind of undertones that are at the center of this discussion. Does the term even purport to mean a human? Just a thought

  12. Good thought, Cedric, and right on topic. Kicking myself again for sounding like my father, but, the premise of white superiority is exactly that...superior over all others. This superiority also gives them the right to name, define, and designate status.

    Does anybody even remember those picket signs which read: "I am a man"?

  13. I think people should take EVERYone with a big ass salt lick. Let them prove themselves, but reserve passing judgement until you have recieved proof. I try to do that. Sometimes Im successful, sometimes not, lol.


  14. That has to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard. This is news to me.. I mean "Mondays" and "Canadie(a)ns"? I think it's just jealousy because white folks don't usually have slang/codes that's not generally understood like black folks have. Usually they're more obvious about their codewords, but I guess they're learning from us.. haha. Like when white folks figured out what "skeet skeet" or "dead presidents" meant.. now they think they're cool because they got their own "secret" slang. Well guess the secret's out..

  15. Don't you know? Everyone hates mondays.

  16. This gives the term "codeword" a very literal meaning. I thought I had head everything, and yet I'd never heard anything so outrageous as this. I guess this sort of thing is why Venus and Serena Williams' father hates white people.

  17. Dude,

    I don't freaking care about "white folks" calling me anything. If someone wants to use their puny brain cells for some dumb crap like that, then I say go right ahead. While these silly fools exercise their petty prejudices, I'm busy creating a magical life and surrounding myself with folks that love and support ME.

  18. Shit 3 count 'em 3 nigger babies into the world right before the age of 18

  19. Blacks are so over-represented in crime rates, and are constantly using the 'race card' when something doesn't go their way. It's not surprising that whites have little respect for them.

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